Hello, students! This is the third weekly math contest, with a problem released every Sunday.
A right triangle ABC has hypotenuse AB = 2 and AC = sqrt(3). A new point B1 is created such that right triangle AB1B has hypotenuse AB1. In this manner 10 more points until B11 are created, all such that they are right triangles with hypotenuse AB2, AB3, ...., AB11. Find the perimeter of the resulting figure.
The first 10 people to respond with the correct answer and correct solution will get an honorable mention on our website under the newspaper section for that week. Submissions are due every Saturday, so the problem for this week is due on April 23, 2022.
Note: Due to the difficulty of the previous version of this contest, the problem has been changed and the due date has been pushed back to April 23, 2022.
Students can upload submissions to the problem using the following Google Form: https://forms.gle/bWNa62RdM3g8uhk76. You are only allowed a single submission, so please carefully check your submission.